Together, we can always achieve more – Reconstructed roof of KBC Bežanijska Kosa, sponsored by Knez Petrol

rekonstruisan krov KBC Bežanijska Kosa Knez Petrol donator

In a year marked by the pandemic, Knez Petrol, as a socially responsible company striving to set an example in this mode of operation, donated 6 million dinars for the reconstruction of part of the roof of KBC Bežanijska Kosa. This donation serves as an expression of gratitude to doctors, medical staff, non-medical personnel, and the community, choosing to address the issues faced by the population and the community.

We closely monitor the development of the crisis caused by the pandemic and consistently provide support to the most vulnerable.

Solidarity, as one of our imperatives, we want to extend to society as a whole.

On this occasion, we assisted in the reconstruction and complete replacement of part of the roof at KBC Bežanijska Kosa in Belgrade, worth around 6,000,000.00 dinars.

The president of the company, Srđan Knežević, took this opportunity to express his special and personal thanks to the director of KBC Bežanijska Kosa, Dr. Marija Zdravković, as well as her team of doctors and nurses, non-medical staff, who are heroically fighting for each patient, including his father, who unfortunately lost the battle with the coronavirus.

Gratitude was expressed both in his personal capacity and on behalf of the company he represents, emphasizing that investing in the issues facing the population and the community is a priority and the most valuable investment in our shared future.

Director of KBC Bežanijska Kosa, Dr. Marija Zdravković, thanked the donor, emphasizing the significance of such a donation that improves conditions in this healthcare institution. The reconstructed building has been renewed after 20 years. The primary purpose will be determined in consultation with the Ministry of Health, based on their priority assessment.

A challenging year is behind all of us; each of us has endured many efforts, both professionally and privately. The pandemic reminded us that through joint efforts, struggle, and investment in our shared future, we can always achieve more, concluded Knežević.