Knez Petrol service

Knez Petrol Service

Regular maintenance of towing and trailer vehicles includes:
– replacement of filters and oil, at the recommended mileage, regular fluid check (antifreeze, transmission oil, differential …), brake system check (replacement of used disc plates, pads, brake discs, brake cylinders, pneumatic installations …) check injection systems, valves, AGR valves, clutch set replacement (lamellas, baskets and druck bearings), large service (replacement of all belts, spanners and water pumps), valve clearance adjustment, installation of abs system for trailers, etc.

Extraordinary maintenance:
- Engine, transmission, and differential repairs, Overhaul of brakes on trailer vehicles, Troubleshooting on vehicles, etc.

– Performing aluminum and metal welding. Upgrading and constructing roof structures.

Car diagnostics:
- EOBD diagnostics. Serial diagnostics, which include diagnostics of all electronic systems installed on the vehicle, as well as access to adjustment, activation, and configuration functions.

Electrical services:
- Repair of electrical installations on towing and trailer vehicles. Repair of electrical assemblies, such as starters, alternators, etc. Repair of car air conditioning and webasto heating.

Painting services:
– Painting the entire fleet.

Transport Sector

Direktor Servisa
Milan Mihajlovic
📞 +381648594405

Referent nabavke
Vojislav Damjanovic
📞 +381648056842